After The Procedure

The individual will be taken to the recovery unit after the procedure for observation while they are coming off anesthesia. Some people may be able return home on the same day they have their feeding tube procedure. Some people will need to stay overnight in the hospital, while others may not. After the procedure, the dressing that covers the area where the feeding tube is placed should be left on for between 24 and 48 hours. Around five days are required for the stoma to fully heal around the tube.
Individuals who have had a procedure to insert a feeding tubes can expect to experience cramps and gas pain for 1-2 weeks after the procedure. Doctors will teach the patient how to care for and use the feeding tube. The patient will be taught how to properly wash the area and bathe while the feeding tube is in place. They will also learn how to properly empty their stomach and what to look out for in the event of an infection. Patients will also learn how to use the feeding tube to feed themselves and what to do when the tube becomes blocked.