How To Make A Sitz Bath
Patients can add to their homemade sitz baths ingredients that are soothing to their condition. Patients with hemorrhoids may find it beneficial to add Epsom Salt to their sitz bath, although some people prefer sea salt. Both salts are high in minerals which could help promote healing. Many homemade sitz baths suggest using a quarter to a third of a cup each of these salts. Tea Tree Oil is a popular choice. It’s a natural antiseptic and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. Many people find that lavender oil relieves pain and makes a great addition to a bath. It is best to begin with 8-10 drops of each essential oil. Baking soda and witch hazel, a natural astringent, are recommended to treat yeast infections or relieve vaginal irritation and itching. In most recipes, two tablespoons witch hazel is recommended. Patients should consult their healthcare provider before adding any ingredients to their bathwater to make sure the ingredients are suitable for them.
Continue reading on to discover the possible risks of a spa bath.