How to shine as a leader by mentoring others
When you teach others, you learn the best. You need to first know what your strengths are, what makes you stand out amongst colleagues, and what people come to you for when they have a problem.
Grab those skills and use them as your armor. When you’re ready to take on a larger role, mentor others.
Jack Welch said it best, “Before becoming a leader, your success depends on how you grow yourself.” Success is about developing others when you become a manager.
Your skills will shine brighter and you will be noticed by the management. The willingness to share skills and help others grow makes you a leader.
How to handle a colleague who is difficult to work with
You will encounter people who are difficult to deal with, talk to and work with in almost any office where you work. You will have to work with them if you want to be able to move up. You will soon find that more people are having the same problems and you will become even more alienated if you ignore them.
You can’t be sure, but one day you may find an enemy working at your new job to which you must report.
You may be able to introduce them to your dream job. The best career decision you can make is to work well with them.
How to say “no”.
Do you believe that promotion and extra work hours go hand in hand with each other? This isn’t true. This is not true.
It is true that there is a fine line between saying yes and no. To master this skill, you must first determine your priorities.
In her HBR article, Amii Barnard Bahn says that the best thing to do when you’re asked to join a cross-functional task force or other opportunity to expand your network and learn new skills, is to say “yes.” This will help you to earn the support of executives who are not directly reporting to your line.
Avoid purely social events (such as the office party), or those without the sponsorship needed to succeed. Amii said that you should start developing your diplomatic “no” skills as early as possible.
Relationships play a major role in gaining a promotion. Remember, this will only happen after you’ve mastered certain skills.
Ruhul, our client service professional, was a skilled employee who also proved to be efficient for the management. He did not spend time building the necessary relationships in the office.
Remember that skills and relationships are essential to a successful career.