Thyroid Medication
Hyperthyroidism is the most common cause of bulging eyelids. This condition occurs when thyroid glands produce too much thyroid hormone. It’s usually caused by Graves’ Disease, an autoimmune disorder. When the tissues around the eye become inflamed they bulge and cause pressure. Graves disease can affect anyone, but women aged between 30 and 60 years are the most likely to be affected. Hyperthyroidism is treated with thyroid medications. Antithyroid drugs prevent the thyroid from producing thyroid hormone.
Sometimes beta-blockers can be used to treat certain conditions. Beta-blockers block the effects of stress hormones on the cardiovascular system. It is important to note that hyperthyroidism can cause a fluttering or irregular heartbeat due to the metabolic effects. Beta-blockers are also used to treat glaucoma. This eye condition can cause blindness. Patients who have had their thyroid gland removed may require supplemental thyroid medication.