Regular exercise helps to maintain both your mind and body in good shape. Exercise helps to improve the heart’s and circulatory function, which in turn supports our organs and systems. Daily physical activity is important, especially as you age. Sedentary living can cause many of the problems seniors face, including muscle weakness and loss of balance. Finding low-impact sports that don’t put aging adults at risk for injury can be difficult. As we age, our muscle mass and bone strength decreases. Pickleball is an easy-on-the joints sport with low impact. It’s a great workout that meets seniors’ physical and emotional needs. Find out more about pickleball and its overall health benefits for seniors.
Balance and Stability Improved
Pickleball helps improve balance and stability by working all the major muscle groups in the body. It’s similar to tennis and involves a lot running. The sport is also a weight bearing exercise, as players must support their own weight while performing a variety movements. Pickleball can help build muscle strength and prevent the loss of mass in arms, legs and back. It also helps improve hand-eye co-ordination, which can be beneficial in many areas of life. This is especially true for seniors. The game improves agility, fitness, and reaction time, so that seniors can better handle situations requiring balance and stability.
Find out more about pickleball and its health benefits for seniors.