Other Tips For Fasting Days

There is much more to the 5:2 fasting days than just eating. Drink a Significant Amount of Water During these Days. Eight glasses is the minimum, but more can also be helpful. Before or after eating on fasting days, patients should drink a glass water. Plan ahead for your fasting days. It is important to plan ahead, including the times and what you will eat. It is important to keep fasting-friendly food in the refrigerator and pantry. This will prevent them from ordering food or breaking their fast.
It is also helpful to schedule fasting days when you are not too social but still very busy. Fasting can be difficult for people who attend social events that include lots of food. The best advice for fasting is to be kind to yourself. The fast will not be ruined if you accidentally eat a few extra calories, like 520 instead of 500. Hunger pangs will also subside. It is fine to restart the diet if necessary.
Continue reading to discover the health benefits from the 5:2 Diet.