What Water To Use

Neti pots can be harmful if not handled and used correctly. Tap water contains microorganisms such as amebae and bacteria. It is safe to drink tap water because digestive enzymes and acid in the stomach will kill the pathogens. These pathogens can be colonized if they enter the nasal passages via a netipot.
When using a neti pot, only certain types of water should be used. This will ensure that no microorganisms or foreign materials enter the nasal cavity. Only tap water that has been brought to a rolling boil for at least three to five minute and allowed to cool can be used. When it comes to using boiled tap water in a Netipot, the water must be kept in a sealed container for a maximum of 24 hours. Neti pots can also be used with sterile water, distilled or filtered water that has a minimum of one micron pore size.