How Neti Pots Work

The neti pot is used to remove dirt, pollen and other debris that has been trapped in the nasal passages. Neti pots are safe to use when performed correctly. They will not burn, irritate or damage the nasal membranes of an individual. The water that is used in most neti pots comes with a packet of saline mixed with it. The saline solution, which is usually poured into the neti pot after it has been sterilized, is then poured in one nostril by using a special technique.
This saline solution flushes excess mucus and debris out of the other nostril when it flows through one nasal channel. Repeat this technique with the other nostril to clean it as well. It is believed that the saline used in the Neti Pot promotes the finger-like projections on the cells that line the nasal cavity, known as cilia. The cilia of an individual’s nasal cavity are responsible for moving debris and mucus out of the nose.