The neti pot is an elongated teapot that’s used to remove mucus, debris and other substances from the sinuses and nose cavities of a person. Neti pots are a part of the ancient Indian medical system known as Ayurveda. They are also called nasal irrigation. Western medicine began using the netipot in the early 1900s. Neti pots are a non-invasive and cheap way to treat nasal symptoms.
Most neti pots can be made from materials like ceramic, stainless steel or plastic. Neti pots are usually shaped like a teapot, with a large body and a long spout. You can find neti pots in health food shops, online stores and drugstores.
Why they’re used

Neti pots can be used by individuals to treat a variety of conditions and symptoms. can be increased when an individual inhales pollutants, allergens and other irritating substances. The increased mucus production can lead to further congestion, and even infection. By using a netipot to remove these irritants before they can cause these processes, an individual is able to avoid symptoms that are associated with sinus infections and common colds.
Neti pots can be used to clear the nostrils of a patient who is having difficulty breathing. They also reduce snoring and sinus headaches. They reduce the need for antibiotics and decongestants. They relieve facial pain and sinus pressure. Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and repeated viral upper respiratory infection, as well as seasonal allergic rhinitis are the ones who use neti pots most.