3. Prioritize Your Tasks
Prioritization may sound easy, but isn’t. Prioritizing is not as simple as making a list and checking off the “biggest”, “hardest” or “easiest” tasks. Instead, look at your day like a series of building blocks. What’s the causality here? What should be done first in order to improve the flow of the day? This method of prioritizing helps us to overcome our resistance towards difficult tasks.
4. Pomodoro Method
The “work, then break” technique of this little tomato timer is popular for a good reason! Our brains feel more focused and refreshed when we work in short bursts. Set a timer and choose a small project or task. Then, give yourself some built-in breaks so you can recharge.
5. You should not ignore your email in the morning
Try it for a week if it feels uneasy. When we receive an email, it’s natural to want to reply and get to work. Your inbox will become your priority list if you start your day by diving into your piles of email. Consider scheduling an hour in the morning to check your emails. Instead, begin your day by focusing on your priorities.
6. Understanding Your Work Zones
A great productivity hack is to match the work you need to do with the place where you will be doing it. You may be more productive at the kitchen table than at a desk. You might get your best ideas when you are on a walk, letting your mind relax. Knowing when and where to be at your most productive for your different tasks can help you achieve balance between work and life.