All of us are looking for the one nugget that will make life easier and more enjoyable. There is always a list of tasks to be done. There is no single way to be productive. However, there are many productivity hacks that we can incorporate into our lives.
1. Make the Most of Your Commuting Time
There are many ways to maximize the time you spend between work and home, whether it’s a trip to the office or a visit to your favorite café. How can you make this time more productive? What about a quick phone call to check on your parent? Five minutes to listen to , a new podcast while you breathe deeply? This time, even if it is short is a great way to begin and end your day.
2. Cleaning Out Your Email
Clean it up! It’s all the way! You can get rid of drafts, half-finished replies and notifications about sales that you haven’t gotten around to. You can feel refreshed after a few minutes of work on Friday morning.