Cilantro is also known as coriander and is used in hundreds dishes around the world. It is a great addition to soups, salads and curries. Some people use cilantro to garnish mashed potatoes or steaks. In the United States, coriander is used to describe the seeds, while cilantro refers to the leaves.
The many compounds in this plant provide a variety of health-boosting benefits. Many people use organic coriander or cilantro seeds to treat various ailments. Cilantro can be used as a natural remedy for high blood pressure, as well as high cholesterol. Individuals will certainly benefit from knowing the full range of cilantro benefits.
Low Blood Sugar
Both coriander seeds as well as cilantro can have a positive effect on blood sugar. They may moderately lower their blood sugar. It is possible to reduce blood sugar levels even if you do not have diabetes. Certain foods can protect diabetic patients from blood sugar spikes, by reducing the amount of sugar released in the blood. But cilantro has a different effect. The cilantro plant may increase blood sugar-removing enzymes in the body, rather than speeding up digestion.
In an animal experiment, it was shown that animals who consumed coriander seeds had significantly lower blood glucose. In another animal study, leaves from the cilantro plant were nearly as effective at reducing blood sugar in diabetic animals as prescription diabetes medications. There have been few conclusive studies on humans. It will take more research and publication of human studies before an official statement can be made about the effectiveness of cilantro in managing blood sugar.
Learn more about the health advantages of cilantro.