Inflammation of the gums is referred to as gingivitis or gum disease. In most cases, this inflammation is caused by the bacteria that penetrates the gums. This infection occurs when tartar is formed from plaque, which causes the gums and teeth to separate. Gingivitis is more common in people who smoke, who have diabetes, who have crooked or broken teeth, who are pregnant, who have a genetic predisposition to oral infections and who have an immune system that has been compromised . An oral exam and mouth x rays are used to diagnose gingivitis. Treatment for gingivitis may include scaling, root planning, laser treatment and antiseptic mouthwash. Oral antibiotics are also prescribed.
Gingivitis can manifest in several ways. Find out more about these symptoms.
Swollen Gums
A person who has swollen or red gums could be suffering from gingivitis. Plaque, a naturally occurring substance, is where bacteria that adhere to a person’s teeth thrive. Plaque can build up at the base where the gums start, making it hard to remove by brushing or flossing daily. Sugars in food help the bacteria living in plaque at the base of gums to perform their processes. The same as other cells, bacteria produce waste products. Waste products created by bacteria can have toxic and corrosive impacts on the gums and enamel. These toxic substances cause damage to the gum tissues. This tissue damage is mediated by the immune system, which causes swelling, inflammation, and redness.
Continue reading to find out more about gingivitis symptoms.