Rohan’s life had been turned upside down and then back up again. This extraordinary experience left him profoundly altered. He was physically stronger and healthier without the weight he unknowingly carried. He was a different man mentally – resilient and forgiving. His wisdom was beyond his years. He faced an unimaginable reality and emerged the other side forever changed but not defeated.

Rohan was wary of making personal connections after years of being ridiculed and doubting himself. His condition was an invisible barrier. His newfound confidence opened the door to love.
Padma was a teacher in a village nearby who saw the man underneath the headlines. The bond they formed was based on their shared love of the earth and simplicity.
Rohan remained a farmer at heart, despite the many changes that took place. He returned to farming with Padma at his side. These simple tasks, such as tilling the soil, planting seeds and reaping the harvest, took on a therapeutic aspect, bringing him back to reality in the midst of the chaos that had taken over his life. He had learned from his extraordinary journey to find profundity in simplicity and to appreciate the cycles of life that are reflected in farming.

Rohan’s life was a story of forgiveness, resilience, and unanticipated curves in life. He found peace in his fields and learned lessons from the soil beneath his feet. Each season had its own unique lesson – the beginnings of the spring, the work that was done in the summer, the fruition and richness of the autumn, or the quiet reflection of the winter.
Each cycle was a reflection of his journey, which included shock, acceptance and growth.
He found parallels in the rhythm of nature to his own life. The seeds he planted mirrored his own life. Like his twin, the seeds were hidden in darkness and cocooned by soil. He watched as they grew, facing the sun and resiliency in the face storms and droughts. They embodied his own struggle through initial shock, and then acceptance of his condition.

As he watched, some plants intertwined and supported each other. It reminded him of his bond with his silent twin. The pests and weeds which threatened his crop were also symbolic of the obstacles that he had overcome.