Safety Of Treatments
The United States Food And Drug Administration has issued several warnings about Ayurvedic treatments and products. Ayurvedic products often contain metals, minerals, and gems that can cause harm. Ayurvedic product users have reported high blood levels of lead and mercury. Arsenic poisoning is a rare side effect that has been reported by individuals who use Ayurvedic product. Ayurvedic medicines can be dangerous if they are used to delay a conventional doctor’s appointment for a medical problem. Ayurvedic medicine can have some ingredients that interact with conventional medications. Patients should consult their doctor before using Ayurvedic medicines. Ayurvedic medicines are not considered safe by some healthcare providers because not enough research has been done to show that its benefits outweigh the risks. Ayurvedic products and providers are not regulated at all in the United States, so there is no way to guarantee basic safety and quality.
Find out where Ayurveda fails next.