Benefits Of Ayurveda
Ayurvedic medicines have shown some benefits in systematic research reviews and well designed clinical trials. Ayurvedic formulations containing plant extracts have been shown to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms. These plant-based formulations, which include glucosaminesulfate, have shown to improve both functional improvements and pain relief. In a National Center For Complementary Integrative Health Pilot Study, a combination of 40 different herbal compounds improved patients’ rheumatoid symptoms . A combination of Ayurvedic herbal compounds was used in a clinical trial to improve symptoms for type 2 diabetic patients. Turmeric is used in Ayurvedic medicine to relieve digestive symptoms related to ulcerative Colitis. Ayurvedic medicines have improved the quality of life for many people who were undergoing conventional treatments to treat their chronic disease or condition, like cancer.
Next, learn about the safety of Ayurvedic medicines.