In my circle of friends, and the single moms that I have met through this blog I hear many cries of terror about single-mom relationships.
What man would date a mom who is single? I can’t even imagine going out again! My body as a single mom is a mess and I haven’t been out on a date for 15 years!
These single mothers miss out on a lot. Big time.
I have spent the last three years dating single mothers, including a relationship lasting a full year. Let me tell you: there’s no better time for dating than when you are a mom.
I received so many emails and questions from women on this topic, that I created a video for single mothers who want to enter the dating scene again.
You don’t have enough confidence? You may need to change the way you view yourself.
Get back into dating for single moms will teach you how to find your groove, how to meet new people, and how to have fun with dating again.
Here are nine good reasons to date as a woman.
Already single moms have children
You can now date someone else.
When I was in my 20s, I wanted to find a man with whom I could have children.
They are mine now. I have two, both of which are healthy and awesome. This is something I can cross off my list of things to do in life. Now, I’m looking for a partner for sex or love or companionship – or even all three.
As a single mother, you are not under any pressure.
Single mothers are more compassionate to themselves…
You are a joy to be with. Divorce can be a real pain. There are so many disappointments, feelings of self-blame and broken hearts. You must forgive to move forward.
You must forgive yourself. Forgive yourself. You can forgive your ex. This kindness will bleed into all your relationships. Since becoming a mother, I’ve found myself to be much more accepting of myself.
Men and women alike, I have a much lower level of criticism. Guess what? It seems to have made them like me even more! Imagine it.
Single mothers are stronger and happier versions of themselves
A single mother has experienced at least three major life changes.
- Your life, your heart and mind will be blown away by the fact that you are now a parent.
- After a long-term serious relationship, you’re now single.
- Single motherhood is a challenge that requires you to overcome the impossible.
It didn’t matter if it was divorce, breakup or death, but the fact is that you were changed.
You’re better off for having survived it.
Single mothers are more attractive!
Confidence, a full heart, and life experience all equal being a richer, fuller person. People are attracted to these single-mom qualities in a real, meaningful way. Especially the people you want to attract, a.k.a. awesome men.
Accepting their bodies as single mothers
You’ve carried, birthed, and breastfed a child. You’re aware of the amazing female body.
It’s imperfections? Who cares? You can enjoy all the benefits of your body, thanks to age and childbearing.
Sex with a single mother is better
Things will get better when you are comfortable in your own skin, have let go of old hang-ups and are less critical towards your partner. Plus, you don’t have to worry about having a baby (see No. 1).
The women that single mothers are meant to be
When I met my now-husband in my mid-20s, I was still trying to find my professional footing.
The strongest friendships I had were just beginning to form, and I still wasn’t sure what was important to me. I’ve reached many milestones, both in my career and personal life. I am confident in who I am and what I want. This makes dating a thousand times easier.
Needy girlfriends and single moms can be annoying
Women with children have many responsibilities. Time is short. How could we possibly be clingy to our boyfriends? We make the most of our time with boyfriends.
Why are you upset because he hasn’t texted for three days? Please. Please.
Single mothers are less likely to waste time with the wrong man
You have less time. Single moms who are busy have less time to spend alone.
You’re less likely to waste time waiting for losers to commit if you are lonely.
The time is precious and moms who are efficient know that spending quality time with their man means truly embracing a great man.
There is nothing that breaks my heart like a woman who can’t be without a partner. This personality is rife in desperation, poor decisions and alienating those who love her most. It’s never a good thing.
You may feel as if you’re a loser if you don’t have a partner.
If you do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend, it is natural to feel lonely and sad.
This episode explains why being single can be a wonderful opportunity that you shouldn’t miss.
You don’t need to couple up right away. But if you do, you will miss out on many opportunities, including personal growth and a new experience. You can also learn a lot about yourself, your friends, and the next relationship you might have.