Emotional intelligence (EQ), or emotional intelligence, is a vital component of the workplace.
A high EQ allows us to better manage our emotions, navigate effectively in relationships, and make sound decisions. You can see how important it is for workplace communication.
Emotional intelligence is different for each person. Some people have a natural gift for empathy and are able to understand their own emotions and those of others. Some people may need to improve their emotional intelligence.
It’s important to note that emotional intelligence is not something you are born with. Learning and development teams should focus on developing it.
This blog post will discuss the importance of EQ in the workplace and provide some tips to help you improve yours.
What is emotional intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand emotions, both in yourself and others. According to two leading researchers in the field, psychologists Peter Salovey & John D. Mayer there are four levels of emotion intelligence.
- Perceiving emotions
- Emotional reasoning
- Understanding emotions
- Managing emotions
Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence, Why it Can Matter More than IQ popularized this concept.
Communication and interaction are key to emotional intelligence. At work, you’re most likely to interact with your coworkers, managers, and customers. These interactions will be positive if you have a high EQ. It will also be easier for you to form solid, fruitful relationships and to network with others in order to facilitate effective groupwork.
You may hire people with low emotional intelligence if you do not take it seriously. If you don’t take emotional intelligence seriously in the workplace, you risk hiring people who lack EQ.